
of average individuals can properly use a fire extinguisher

the average untrained person can use a fire extinguisher safely and effectively to help save lives and protect property


of the time fire extinguishers effectively extinguish fires


of individuals studied used a fire extinguisher safely

371,000 residential fires are extinguished by fire extinguishers yearly

Fire Extinguishers
Save Lives

See It – Grab It – Use It

Endicott, NY – The Cider Mill in Endicott caught fire one early morning this week. The fire was traced to an electrical outlet and when firefighters arrived on the scene, the staff had already been able to safely put it out with a portable extinguisher. Even though they had to close the shop for the day, no one was hurt and there was no damage to any of the property. With their large following in the community, customers were happy to hear that the fire was more of “an inconvenience and not a tragedy”.

Binghamton Press and Sun Bulletin (Binghamton, NY)

Moose, WY – Multiple fire, EMS, and law enforcement units were called to a structure fire at a Wyoming vacation destination where several hundred people were attending a large dinner event. When authorities arrived, bystanders reported that all occupants had been evacuated and that the fire had started in a commercial kitchen. Resort staff had already successfully suppressed the majority of the fire using portable extinguishers. No injuries to the public or emergency responders were sustained, and fire damage was limited to the kitchen thanks to the quick action of resort staff and their use of installed portable extinguishers.

Buckrail (Jackson Hole, WY)

Manchester, NH – City firefighters said a neighbor extinguished a small blaze on the third floor of a home in Manchester, New Hampshire. According to the Manchester District Fire Chief, once the neighbor had noticed the fire, he quickly used a portable fire extinguisher to knock down the flames. When fire authorities arrived, they opened the walls, decking and ceiling to extinguish any remaining flames. No injuries were reported as a result of the fire.

Union Leader (Manchester, NH)

Orcas Island, WA – Orcas Island Fire and Rescue was dispatched on Aug. 15 to a small fire located in a public restroom. The fire appeared to have been started by someone igniting a piece of toilet paper located in a plastic dispenser. Thanks to the ready location of a fire extinguisher and the quick work of an individual nearby, the flames were knocked down before extensive damage was done to the building. San Juan County Fire Marshal R.J. Myers commented that “its interventions such as this that show the importance of having extinguishers nearby, both in our homes and businesses.”

The Islands’ Sounder (Orcas Island, WA)

New Castle, PA – A Pittsburg family woke late one Saturday night to find that a charging hoverboard had caught on fire in their home. The homeowner told fire authorities that the flames were up to the ceiling. The father of the family used a portable fire extinguisher to put out the fire. The fire was likely caused by the use a charger that was not sold with the hoverboard. No injuries were reported as a result of the fire.

Action News 4 (Pittsburg, PA)

Northridge, ND – The Bismarck Fire Department was called to the Northridge Elementary School after a fire was reported in a basement storage area. However, a school employee was able to put out the flames using a portable fire extinguisher before the fire department arrived. There were no injuries and the damage was limited to the basement. Officials determined that the fire started on a stovetop in the basement and was ruled as accidental.

KX News (Bismarck, ND)

Warren, TX – A quick-acting oilfield worker prevented a fire that could have burned longer on an oil storage tank in Tyler County. A possible lightning strike on an oil storage tank in the area ignited a fire on the tank’s pressure relief valve. A worker who was in the area was able to put out the flames using a portable fire extinguisher. Fire authorities arrived to ensure that the fire was completely extinguished and that there were no leaks or spills at the scene.

12 News Now (Warren, TX)

Post Falls, ID — Bystanders in Post Falls worked together to put out a quickly spreading fire caused by a tractor’s trailer breaking. While the driver pulled over when he heard the noise of a part snapping off, he didn’t initially spot the fire and drove away. The honks of other motorists alerted him to the fire. Motorists and a nearby homeowner worked as a team using portable fire extinguishers and a hose to control the fire until authorities arrived to completely put out to flames. All those involved left the scene without any injuries.

The Coeur d’Alene Press (Coeur d’Alene, ID)

Deerfield Beach, FL- A Deerfield home is still standing thanks to a Good Samaritan’s quick actions after he was alerted to a fire by his neighbor’s calls for help. Once he spotted the plumes of smoke, he swiftly snagged the re-breather mask he uses for his job as a pest control technician and a portable fire extinguisher. Once inside, he found that the kitchen dishwasher was on fire. He smothered most of the flames with the extinguisher until fire crews arrived on scene. There were no injuries as a result of the fire. The Good Samaritan told fire fighters that as soon as they left, he planned on driving “to Costco to get a new fire extinguisher.”

CBS Miami (Miami, FL)

Winter Park, FL — A local Florida man was given an award for saving his disabled neighbor from an apartment building blaze. Startled by the smell of smoke on a recent evening, the man immediately brought his son to safety. Upon learning that a disabled man was still inside the building, he rushed back to rescue him. The man then proceeded to use a portable fire extinguisher to control the flames until emergency crews arrived. While presenting the honor, the Fire Chief declared that this man’s heroism prevented “a full-blown apartment fire with severe injury.”

FOX35 Orlando (Orlando, FL)

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Fire Safety Map

Are You Safe? Does your building require fire extinguishers throughout?
Every state has a State Fire Code with a section on fire extinguisher requirements. To get an overview of what state fire codes are based on and if states have made enhancements to fire codes visit the Interactive Fire Safety Map.

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