
of average individuals can properly use a fire extinguisher

the average untrained person can use a fire extinguisher safely and effectively to help save lives and protect property


of the time fire extinguishers effectively extinguish fires


of individuals studied used a fire extinguisher safely

371,000 residential fires are extinguished by fire extinguishers yearly

Fire Extinguishers
Save Lives

See It – Grab It – Use It

Zumbrotra, MN – In Zumbrota, MN, a police officer’s swift response to a fire prevented serious damage. When a bystander called to report a fire, the sergeant arrived to find the exterior of a home ablaze. After confirming that the home had been safely evacuated, the sergeant used a portable fire extinguisher to put out the flames. When fire officials arrived on scene, they confirmed that damage was limited to the exterior of the home. Thanks to the officer’s timely response, the residents returned home shortly after the incident.


KIMT3 – Rochester, MN


Seattle, WA – On Christmas night, a Snoqualmie, WA father and son saved a driver trapped inside a burning car involved in a wrong-way crash. The father and his son attempted to rescue the unconscious driver but were unable to open the car doors due to the damage from the accident and spreading fire. Fortunately, the father had a portable fire extinguisher on hand and used it to knock out the flames. The driver was safely removed from the vehicle and taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.


KIRO – Seattle, WA


Bethlehem, PA – After waking up to her fire alarm sounding, a local reporter in Bethlehem, PA found her dishwasher on fire. As the flames began to spread, she grabbed a portable fire extinguisher and used it to completely extinguish the flames. Damage was limited to the dishwasher and the family was able to return home shortly after authorities cleared the house. After the incident, she shared her experience, stressing that the outcome could have been much worse if she did not have a fire extinguisher on hand.

Lehigh Valley News – Bethlehem, PA


Midland, MI – A police officer and two good Samaritans in Midland, MI are being praised for a heroic rescue after a van caught fire on US-10. When the officer arrived on the scene, he found the vehicle burning with three passengers trapped inside. The officer ran to his patrol vehicle to secure a portable fire extinguisher and controlled the flames so that two bystanders could assist the passengers out of the vehicle. According to Midland Police officials, the officer’s efforts prevented a tragedy, as the flames engulfed the vehicle just moments after the passengers got to safety.

Midland Daily News – Midland, MI


Eugene, OR – Fire officials in Venata, Oregon are praising a local café owner after she stopped a fire during an arson attempt. After witnessing a man set fire to chairs in the lobby of a nearby office building, the woman jumped into action. She assisted in evacuating employees to safety before reentering the building. Once inside, she located a nearby fire extinguisher and used it to knock down the flames before they could spread. Fire officials lauded her response, emphasizing that the fire could have easily spread to nearby businesses, causing serious damage.

KEZI 9 News – Eugene, OR


Manchester, NH – A potential disaster was averted by a Salem, NH family after a kitchen fire broke out on Thanksgiving. While preparing Thanksgiving dinner, the homeowner noticed that their turkey had caught fire and engulfed the family’s oven. Fortunately, she had a portable fire extinguisher nearby and rushed to put out the flames while a family member dialed 911. When firefighters arrived on scene, they found the fire completely extinguished and the family safe. Although the turkey was lost, damage to the home was limited.

WMUR – Manchester, NH


Fargo, ND — A neighbor in Fargo, ND is being praised for preventing extensive damage by partially extinguishing a fire believed to be started by unattended cooking oil. The neighbor noticed the fire, rushed into the home with a portable fire extinguisher and kept the fire at bay until firefighters arrived. The damage was estimated at approximately $20,000, though officials say that the neighbor’s actions prevented much more significant damage to the home.

WDAY – Fargo, ND

Spring Hill, TN— A 49-year-old Chapel Hill man was trapped in a burning vehicle after he crashed on I-65. As first responders were delayed in reaching the scene due to the lack of nearby exits, other drivers who witnessed the accident stopped and rushed to help. While the man was pinned in his vehicle, bystanders used portable fire extinguishers to contain the flames until emergency personnel could arrive on scene. A Spring Hill Police Officer arrived to provide support, shielding the driver’s face from extinguisher’s discharge until EMS personnel were able to free the man from the vehicle.

WKRN – Spring Hill, TN

Portage, MI — An Amazon delivery driver used a portable fire extinguisher to save an elderly man from a burning home while making a delivery to a senior living community. Upon arriving at the home to make a delivery, he heard screams for help and noticed a fire burning on the man’s stove. The driver ran and got the portable extinguisher from his truck, and although he had never used a fire extinguisher before, he was able to quickly knock down the flames before they could spread. He then assisted the man to safety. The Portage Fire Captain praised the response as a “true act of heroism”. After the fire was out, the driver continued on to finish his delivery route that day.

WZZM – Portage, MI

Tulsa, OK — Firefighters in Tulsa, OK responded to an apartment complex to find one of the apartments on fire. Officials praised the response of one man,Josue Gonzales, who they said helped to save a fellow tenant and prevent the fire from spreading.Gonzales says his training as a hospital employee kicked in as he aided a fellow tenant out of the burning building and then quickly reentered the apartment with a fire extinguisher. He was able to knock down the flames and prevent the fire from spreading as firefighters arrived on the scene. Fire officials said that without Gonzales quick-thinking, the flame may have spread to the rest of the complex. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, and the damage was limited.

FOX23 News (Tulsa, OK)

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Fire Safety Map

Are You Safe? Does your building require fire extinguishers throughout?
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